Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Malaysia Politic(6): Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar To Be Suspended From Parliament for 6 months

Parliamentary disciplinary committee recommended Anwar be suspended for six months shown the government was worried about the electoral "threat"! 
From Committee chairman Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia said the report found Anwar’s claim on the link between the 1 Malaysia concept and One Israel Campaign not to be true. It was surprising and unreasonable, to be suspended just only because of ingratiate oneself (Najib) for the slogan of 1 Malaysia. On top of that, One Israel campaign is earlier than 1 Malaysia concept. No doubt, people query the true for truth but with no answer replying, and even let government to forced away from parliament. Are those people participated politic field  with "Black Power"? Why don't they explain or ignore (just like they own always did)? Anwar Ibrahim is not the only one who query the sensitive issue in parliament, and this issue is not related to racism or religiousness. I am not supporting BN or Anwar party, I wish a fair political stage with more than 1 party for against each other's authorities.  Government always emphasized that 1 Malaysia is a kind of concept for unity all races in Malaysia, unfortunately it is just a concept but not an action! 
A coward forced enemy away with his authority given by citizens, but a brave man's choice is danger of fight for citizens benefit!

1 comment:

  1. 15th December 2010; The opposition MPs said they were “shocked” when they saw the inclusion of a motion notice in today’s Order Paper, calling for the six-month suspension of three MPs — Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor), Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak) and R. Sivarasa (PKR-Subang) — from the House over the Israel-APCO issue.
